Engineering Management

The study program of Master of Academic Studies in Engineering Management lasts one year (60 ECTS), belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences and gives the academic title of "Master of Engineering Management".

Enrollment requirements: The right to enroll all students who have completed four years of basic academic studies at one of the following faculties: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Organizational Sciences and some faculties of similar profiles, achieving at least 240 ECTS.

The conditions for enrollment in the study program and other most important elements of the study program and study regime are prescribed by the Statute and the Rulebook on the regime of basic and master studies of the Faculty of Engineering.

In addition to taking the exam, the realization of professional practice is also planned, as well as the preparation of a master's thesis.

A list of subjects is given in the Student Guide, and a more detailed description is available in the Course Book.

The goals of the study program are aimed at acquiring academic skills and specific knowledge (competencies) in accordance with current world practice for the studies of "ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT" at the level of master's academic studies.

The goal is to enable the student by attending this study program to:

  • considers technical-technological and scientific issues from practice, understands problems, formulates them and communicates them to others;
  • analyzes engineering and technological problems and proposes a solution;
  • understand the impacts and relationships between the design concept and the product life cycle;
  • adequately inform, both in writing and verbally in appropriate technical language and terminology, through results and examples from practice, about the benefits of new ideas and innovations.

The goals of the study program "ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT" are in line with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Engineering. This means that experts in the field of knowledge-based organization management are profiled and trained, in order to more easily create and maintain the competitive advantage of such organizations.

Therefore, the basic goals of the master's academic studies "ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT" are clearly and unambiguously formulated and enable the student to be able to:

  • recognizes the nature of the problems that an organization may face and apply adequate research methodologies to address them;
  • creates the preconditions of "intelligent" analyzes, predictions, decisions and their implementation in the life of the organization;
  • information and knowledge used for quick and quality decisions: strategic and tactical - operational character;
  • communicates with his work environment in his mother tongue and English;
  • gain insight into complex decision-making processes;
  • gain insight into aspects of long-term development;
  • works in a team and / or leads a team;
  • gain insight into the structure and functioning of the company through the current economic and sociological relations and the established quality of management;
  • be aware of the possible implications of his professional activities on safety, ecology, etc .;
  • understands the effects of new developments in technology and science on the work environment, society, but also the environment,
  • acquire representative knowledge of disciplines of interest with emphasis on modeling and systems approach;
  • governs an abstract way of thinking that can be easily applied to a particular case,
  • operational management of system techniques, which include starting from market-oriented needs, functional-technical specifications, conceptual technical solutions, and include iterative design procedures, ie. analysis, synthesis, optimization, construction, testing (simulation, e.g.) and evaluation.

The goals are harmonized with the requirements of the field of engineering management and labor market, economic development and the defined qualification framework.

By mastering the study program, the student acquires general competencies, as follows:

  • analysis, synthesis and prediction of solutions and consequences in the field of engineering management:
  • mastering research methods, procedures and processes in the field of engineering management;
  • development of critical and self-critical thinking and approach in the field of engineering management;
  • application of knowledge in practice;
  • development of communication skills, as well as cooperation with the narrower social and international environment;
  • professional ethics.

By mastering the courses within the master study program "ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT", students will be able to work on designing an organization based on knowledge or, the so-called. intelligent organizations, as well as creating, maintaining and improving customer relationships, ie. users.

Graduates in this field will also receive subject-specific competencies from key factors (content) that affect the construction of knowledge management:

  • thorough knowledge and understanding of the discipline of engineering management;
  • solving specific problems in the field of engineering management, engineering economics and operational research using scientific methods and procedures;
  • connecting basic knowledge from different fields (project management, quality standards management and occupational safety) and their application;
  • monitoring and application of innovations in the field related to the application of modern knowledge in the field of engineering management for prevproblem solving and business improvement;
  • development of skills and abilities in the use of knowledge in the field of engineering management;
  • the use of information and communication technologies in mastering the knowledge of management, the knowledge of organizations that learn and ensure continuity in business.

The expected outcomes of the knowledge are as follows:

  • mastering knowledge and skills in the field of engineering management with an emphasis on information technology at the level of master's academic studies prescribed by EU documents;
  • mastering methods and tools for analysis, synthesis and design of management problems in engineering;
  • mastery of specific knowledge and skills acquired through laboratory work, study research work, project work and professional practice, which includes: information technology, technical means and elements, important concepts of systems engineering and other subject-specific areas;
  • mastery of acquired knowledge in context;
  • the possibility of applying the methods of operational research in solving problems that exist in real economic systems;
  • ability to independently analyze and predict solutions to problems in the field of engineering economics;
  • ability to analyze general concepts and activities related to project management;
  • mastering the broader context of perceiving engineering and research problems, which means taking into account economic, environmental, organizational and social relations.

Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering          University of Kragujevac

Sestre Janjić street, no. 6 - 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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